While I am not certain that there was necessarily ‘penis’ envy amongst White European males in the Maryland colonial legislature in 1664 (although I personally do believe that it was part of their motives), what is abundantly clear is that they were jealous or Black men. They were indeed so jealous that they sought to exploit the vulnerability of Black men through sanctioning their enslavement through the 1664 law.
In the second part of the law, they specifically focused on the marriages that were occurring between Black men and ‘English and other freeborn’ (White) women. Notice that they did not see fit to criminalize White men who were marrying Black women at the time, which was also happening. In addition, the language of the law (i.e., ‘disgrace’, ‘shameful’, etc.) projects immense discontent, even hatred. It also spotlights White people’s perversions about the bodies of Black women, girls, men, and boys.
White America was literally created by sociopaths.
I discuss this and much more in my book, #The400YearHolocaust
Go to www.danteking.com to get more information.