Unlearning and Addressing Antiblackness, White Supremacy, and Racism in American Culture and Institutions (Fellowship)
Tue, Sep 13
|DK-Zoom Room
A 16-week course (meets every Tuesday afternoon/4-hours) that provides an overarching examination of the construction of White supremacy and Anti-Blackness into American culture, through legality, politics, government, education, religion, language, cultural ideology, and economics. Skips 12/20&27

Time & Location
Sep 13, 2022, 1:00 PM PDT – Jan 17, 2023, 5:30 PM PST
DK-Zoom Room
About The Event
Unlearning and Addressing Antiblackness, White Supremacy, and Racism in American Culture and Institutions (Leaders Fellowship) is a 16-week program that provides an overarching examination of the construction of White supremacy and Anti-Blackness into American culture, through legality, politics, government, education, religion, language, cultural ideology, and economics. The experience presents a visual landscape of laws and images which highlight the formation of Whiteness and Anti-Blackness in America. It examines the infusion of Anti-Blackness and Whiteness into and across all American institutions, synthesizing a conglomeration of hundreds of texts, journal articles, documentaries, videos, and more. Learners walk away with newfound decolonized perspectives about the roles race, racism, and intersectionality functions in their everyday lives, in America and abroad. Most importantly learners begin the process of confronting antiblackness and other types of racial biases in the ways they approach learning, teaching, research, decisioning, and leading. The course also supports and is aligned with the book, The 400-Year Holocaust: White America’s Legal, Psychopathic, and Sociopathic Black Genocide – and the Revolt Against Critical Race Theory.